What We Do


We are aiming for medium-sized investments in return for minority stakes in the companies we fund.

We do not want to have many companies in our portfolio, presuming that many of them will disappear in a few years’ time. Instead, we would like to invest in 2-3 companies a year, and give real support to those projects. We believe in quality, not quantity.


Most other venture capitalists will tell you that they will give you money and business help. We mean it. We are experts with working on startup ideas, and have a good track record to prove it. Now, we want to guide others get on the same path of succss.

We are entrepreneurs ourselves, and have invested much time figuring out how to make things the way people want. That’s why we can see the direction in which a small idea should be expanded, or the point where to address a large but vague one. We have been in that situation many times, and believe we can help a lot, especially in those initial and very critical decision-making stages.


Another important service we offer is helping founders deal with business partners, big corporations, investors, and acquirers. These people are key to expanding a business, and we will help you manage them in different situations that will come along in your company’s life. Believe us, it’s important to have somebody to consult when you have to say yes, no, or maybe to a possible deal. Think of Sidkap as that senior partner you want to talk to when an important decision has to be made.